About Us

The International Evangelical Community Church Alliance (IECCA) is a worldwide alliance of cooperative churches, ministries and ministers of like precious faith who have chosen to join together under a common banner so that they may be more effective in fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ.
Our membership consist of churches throughout the Unites States and many foreign countries as well as Evangelistic and other Para-Church Ministries, Pastors, Seminary and Bible College Professors, Missionaries, Evangelists, Chaplains (Health Care, Industrial, Emergency Services & Military) and many others who serve within churches and para-church organizations that find it to be beneficial in having a trusted organization that stands for integrity in ministry behind them.
We are about PEOPLE ... people who have committed themselves to a life of service and devotion to Christ and in fulfilling the "Great Commission" around the world.
We are about FREEDOM ... freedom from the heavy chains of religious bureaucracy that seeks to weigh you down and prevent you from fulfilling the will of God in your life and calling.
Most importantly....
We are about CHRIST ... we are bound together with fellow believers by our confession of Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, author of our salvation, and head of the church. As such we are to be His hands, His Feet and His voice to a lost and dying world

Our Vison ...
We are devoted to developing and encouraging passionate and spiritually healthy churches, ministries and ministers who are devoted to powerfully engaging and impacting each other, and those whom they are called to serve with the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. To fulfill the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment

Our Mission ...
The International Evangelical Community Church Alliance has been called to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and the beliefs of the evangelical Christian faith, to maintain the worship of God, and to inspire in all persons a love for Christ, a passion for righteousness, and a consciousness of their duties to God and their fellow human beings. We pledge our lives to Christ and covenant with each other to demonstrate His Spirit through worship, witnessing, and ministry to the needs of the people of all nations and communities in which we serve.
We are committed to being an organization that conducts itself with the utmost honor in matters of moral, scriptural and spiritual integrity while holding all members to that same standard which brings honor and glory to Christ and His Church.