Interested in becoming a part of the International Evangelical Community Church Alliance?


Well, you are not alone in your interest. We have a lot of request each and every day from people just like yourself who want to learn more about how they can become a part of this organization, and we are honored that you have considered us.


Before we get into much more, please let me encourage you to do what we believe is the most important thing prior to considering joining us. PRAY! We want you to pray and seek the Lord as to what He would have you do. We want those who become a part of this organization to know they are truly walking in the will of the Lord, and that He is guiding you in this journey. We are not for everyone, for not everyone is able to or will want to function within the freedom which we provide to you. There are some who need a lot of “hand holding”, and simply can’t function within ministry without being told what to do. If that’s you, you will find that we are not a good fit with one another. Please don’t misunderstand, we are here to serve you ... to encourage you... to walk with you, but you must have the aptitude and mental resolve to be able to work outside the box of what many denominations are about. Believe it or not, there are those who simply can’t work with the enormous amount of freedom afforded them by us.


So, with that being said, let’s look at a few things that might help you with your decision to join with us in this journey... (click the + for more information)


What does being a member of the IECCA mean?

Being and becoming a part of a team.

A commitment to live by the driving motivation of our mission statement.

A commitment to becoming “global-minded”.


What it does not mean.

Changing the name of your church or ministry

You have an intruding bureaucracy looking over your shoulder

A bundle of new restrictions



Church Applications

Procedure for Chartering (Affiliating) a Church



Para-Church Ministry Applications

Procedure for Chartering (Affiliating) a Para-Church Ministry


Ministerial Credentials

Please click HERE to learn more about obtaining Ministerial Credentials with the IECCA.