The International Evangelical Community Church Alliance, in obedience to Jesus Christ our Lord, is committed to being a holy people of God in the world and to building His Church by worldwide evangelism, discipleship and multiplication of growing churches, all to the glory of God. As such we are committed to and observe the following Core Values.
Biblical Authority
We will embrace scripture as the source of inspired authority for faith, life and ministry by…
- Encouraging inspired, relevant teaching of the Word
- Obeying and living the Word
- Developing ministries that flow from a biblical base
- Facilitating biblically trained leadership
Spiritual Passion
We will passionately love God and, recognizing the Lordship of Christ, be sensitive to and dependent upon the leading of the Holy Spirit by….
- Praying with intensity
- Worshiping with expectancy
- Preaching Biblically and relevantly
- Studying diligently and thoroughly
Great Commission Commitment
We will reach the lost and disciple the saints in any context by….
- Sending missionaries
- Evangelism
- Establishing growing, healthy churches at home and abroad
- Training and equipping people
Empowering People
We will assist in building healthy local churches by ….
- Providing training and assessment for leaders
- Helping people to discover their passion and gifts, releasing them for ministry
- Cultivating an environment for pastoral excellence
- Practicing servant – leadership
Kingdom Perspective
We will focus on building God’s kingdom as we fulfill our mission and calling. by ….
- Developing strategic partnerships
- Networking with like-minded ministries
- Placing God’s agenda over personal and / or historical agendas
- Focusing on building His kingdom and letting Him build the church
Social Conscience
We will prioritize the Gospel of Jesus Christ as God’s power unto salvation for all by….
- Encouraging works of compassion, justice and human aid (Matthew 5:13-16).
- Placing high value on the sanctity of human life, of biblical marriage and morality, and welcoming ethnic diversity (Isaiah 56:7; Philippians 2:15-16).
- Accepting the timeless purpose of God through his ancient people Israel, and reject anti-Semitism and all ethnic discrimination (Romans 11:11-27; Acts 17:26).