What began as a loose coalition of Bible believing, Gospel centric pastors, churches and para-church organizations in the Southeastern United States over 30 years ago, the IECCA has grown into a world-wide movement and fellowship, united under a common cause and banner in order to fulfill the Great Commission.
In the early 1980’s, a group of people from various denominational backgrounds began meeting together to see how they could be more effective at reaching the youth and young college students of that time who were making annual “Spring Break” pilgrimages to the beaches of Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. They had a heart for these young men and women, and wanted to do something that could impact their lives in a positive way – and what better way than to introduce them to Christ.
In order to make this work, they would have to work together “outside the box” of religious institutions, as they were unable to get their various denominational organizations to work together for this outreach effort. They would also have to be able to overcome doctrinal / theological differences, putting aside these things and adopt an “understanding of cooperation” , which would come in the form of a very famous, and often quoted statement ...” IN ESSENTIALS UNITY, IN NON-ESSENTIALS LIBERTY, IN ALL THINGS CHARITY”, which is often contributed to St. Francis, but is actually a quote from a relatively unknown “Divine” named Rupertus Medenius.
Some of the original participants found themselves ostracized by their denominational leaders, and even others removed from ministry and lost their churches, having their ministerial credentials revoked for what was then labeled as “ecumenicalism” which simply was not the truth. But it was something they felt they could levy in their favor in order to justify their actions.
Within this organization, you will find those who are dedicated to serving the Lord without compromise and with complete freedom to do as the Lord leads them, without any of the heavy handed, strong armed tactics and policies many of the denominations from which they came had exhibited in the past.
While we will be honest and say that we are not for everyone, for not everyone can work together in unity for such a cause as The Great Commission, and we realize that. But for those who are more concerned with the souls of lost men and women, and who would rather work together with others to see lives changed and Christ glorified... and not numbers added to their particular “flavor” of Christianity; those who are perhaps tired and weary of denominational in-fighting, control, abuse and heavy handed practices which seek to do nothing more than control and constrain the work of the Great Commission around the world ... then we invite you come and labor with us as we share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Yes, we are indeed different, but we are different ... to make a difference! We are blessed to see what the Lord has done in and through our lives and this organization, and look forward with much anticipation to what is to come.