Our Leadership Structure
Perhaps you may be familiar with a few forms of church government, such as Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Methodist / Wesleyan or Baptistic forms. Many denominations, fellowships and other forms of Church organizations use one or more of these types of government, or they may choose to use something entirely different altogether.
The IECCA uses a "hybrid" of several forms of "church" government within its organizational structure which helps us to carry out the strategic plan set forth by our General Board and our Articles of Incorporation. Our top three executives include our President, General Secretary and General Treasurer who also oversee the "corporate" structure of our organization. In addition to these three offices, we also have a Board of Elders .. referred herein as The General Council of Elders, which cover the six regional areas of the US (NE, SE, NC, SC, NW, SW).
The offices of each Executive Officer are charged with a number of specific responsibilities which articulate the vision of the organization as it seeks to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Below are some brief explanations of what each office is responsible for within the strategic plan of the organization.
President (CEO) :
- Creating, communicating, and implementing the organization's vision, mission, and overall direction.
- Leading, guiding, directing, and evaluating the work of other executive leaders including General Secretary, General Treasurer, department directors and all other staff as necessary.
- Helping to formulate and responsible for implementing the strategic plan that guides the direction of the organization.
- Staffing, guiding, leading, and managing an organization sufficiently to accomplish the strategic plan of the organization.
- Overseeing the complete operation of an organization in accordance with the direction established in the strategic plans.
- Evaluating the success of the organization and the strategic plan.
- Maintaining awareness of both the external and internal landscape of the organization, opportunities for expansion, new ministry methodology, developments and standards, and so forth.
- Serves as Missions Director on behalf of the organization.
- Providing Pastoral Care for all staff and members, as well as any other duties which are prescribed by the General Elders Board.
General Secretary (COO):
- Implementing policy decisions of the Council of Elders.
- Relating to and coordinating the work of the organization in the USA and around the world.
- Fostering cooperative relations with other organizations and denominations of “like precious faith”.
- Oversees the Office of Information, which maintains data pertaining to all ministers, churches and para-church organizations which hold membership in the IECCA.
- Oversees the Credentialing of all ministers, the chartering of all churches and para-church organizations.
- Maintains all organizational records which includes keeping and recording all official minutes of meetings of all departments and committees as well as maintaining security of the Official Corporate Seal
- Shares responsibility for pastoral care of staff, as well as all members.
General Treasurer (CFO):
- Responsible for proper financial management of the organization.
- Bank Account Maintenance.
- Financial transaction oversight.
- Developing and maintaining systems for cash flow.
- Development and oversight of the annual budget.
- Overseeing the development and observation of the organization’s financial policies.
- Reports – Keeping the board regularly informed of key financial events, trends, concerns and assessment of fiscal health in addition to completing all required financial reporting forms per governmental regulations.
- Serves as the Chair of the Finance Committee
All Executive Officers and Elders are appointed by a combination of the General Council of Elders and State Overseers (Elders) by secret ballot. They serve for an indefinite time as long as they maintain a life above reproach and continue to meet the Biblical requirements of leadership set forth in our organizational documents.