Ministerial Credentials


Ministerial Credentials

The IECCA issues ministerial credentials to qualified persons through an approved application process, regardless if those credentials are to be issued by transfer, recognition of previous credentials or otherwise.


The Three Most Important Determining Factors For Issuing Ministerial Credentials

  • Is the Applicants daily life a convincing testimony as to having been born again?
  • Is there clear evidence of a genuine and divine call to the ministry which is evident to others
  • Do they possess a passion for reaching and winning lost souls for Christ.

We issue three distinct levels of ministerial credentials to those applying for membership based on qualifications and experience.  They are as follows...

  • Certified Minister (Novice)
  • Licensed Minister
  • Ordained Minister

If you currently hold a credential that is not listed, but is lower than “Licensed Minister”, then you will be issued “Certified Minister” credentials.


Individuals who already hold valid credentials from a recognized and reputable organization will be transferred in at the same level unless the Credentials Committee determines otherwise.


Lapsed, Expired or Previously Suspended Credentials


Christian University, College and or Seminary Graduates


Military Chaplaincy Candidates


Additional Qualifiers for Obtaining Credentials


Discipline and Restoration of Credentialed Members


Concerning Marriage & Divorce In The Credentialing Process


Members Financial Obligations


IECCA Financial Support Policy


Request For Credentials Application

We take the issuing of ministerial credentials very seriously and as such, we do not place our applications on-line but require an individual to contact our offices to request an application. You may do that via the Contact Page, phone or postal mail.


For more information as to whether or not you may qualify for Ministerial Credentials with us, please take a look at the F.A.Q. page or contact us directly.